Sunday, April 1, 2007

of ice cream, monster dump trucks, and shrinking helicopters

ok, so it seemed last night/this morning I had an interesting dream. First it seemed to start with me doing tech at church for some random little girl who was acting much older than she looked. I had to sync up some songs from moulin rouge I think, but then at the same time I kept looking at a calendar of animals on an adventure and really liked april I think, which had a really big log, and some animals scrambling about. Anyways, so i finally got this thing running, and it went alright I suppose. Afterwards I was outside, I think, and I saw Meghan Akitt from summerland, and we started going out. Then Randy, the tech leader guy from Alive at willowpark, started a new business, and since I did well doing camera for him I guess I just started working for him at his new business. It happened to be scooping ice cream. So I started leaving wherever I was, and ended up trying to get to the ice cream place. On the way there were tons of basically monster trucks, but dump trucks, going all over the place. They had giagantic tires and were pulling trailers as well. The whole are was getting dug up. I got to work late, and all he had was one little block of ice cream and a bunch of empty buckets. Don Cameron was suddenly there, sitting on a really nice red harley, in the store. He sat weirdly in it too, really leaning forward to make it turn better for some reason...
Then I was at a pool I think, at least in a changeroom, and found this tiny corridor like maybe 10 inches wide. I was under the impression that "oh that must be where I can put my stuff in locking lockers". I squeexed myself into the narrow space and pushed the wall away from me almost knocking it over, then I got to the opener spot, and there was a motion detector and I could see over the whole area of change rooms. It was as if all the changerooms were laid out like a maze so there was no roof. And this motion sensor was there to stop people from you know, looking at the change rooms of the opposite sex. Now for clarification i was there for the lockers, which weren't there as my common sense seemed to have told me.
I know this is going all over the place, but there's still more.
I was suddenly hanging out with Ryan hewitt, my friend from work. We were up beside a monster dump truck, trying to find a spot to go to the bathroom (interesting, Chris and I discussed a dream we each had where this happened...and thus it has affected last nights dream). We found a spot, I won't go into detail or anthing though. Then for some reason we got a free ride in a helipcopter. We went on top of a building and I got in first, and just got to check things out. Many of the buildings had this giant amount of cables going into them, and these were getting strewn about by the wind from the helicopter. Once they started moving then they shot out huge explosions of flame and just nailed the building. It was close each time for the helicopter. We returned to the building so Ryan could give it a go, but strangely the helicopter disappeared and fit into ryan's parachute backpack thing. I suppose it was meant to fly out with him inside somehow when he jumped.
So IMMEDIATLY Ryan jumps off the building, the environment kinda reminds me of some levels from half life 2, a little tepid river and old buildings EXPLODING...well those cables exploding.
He falls, and alas, no helicopter came out of his backpack. BIG SURPRISE. He is able to pull the cord for the parachute though, and kinda awkwardly lands in the water. Then he swears and throws a knife onto a balcony outn of frustration that the helicopter didn't come out. He started swimming to shore and someone swam out under him and popped up in front of his face, which was weird.
And I believe that that is all that happened...I just woke up and made sure I got this all out, I liked that dream, except for having to scoop ice cream again.

1 comment:

Chris Hiebert said...

That's awesome! I laughed all the way through!