Thursday, April 19, 2007

Get cut by the jimmy beer from the Metal Gear Solid juggling troops

Ok so this is a dream I had recorded back when I was going to uvic, so sometime in 2003/2004. I happened upon the text file just now and thought I would post it as this was one I really love.

I am in this kinda grungy bathroom, at a urinal, going to the washroom. Beside me is Trevor, a friend of mine from Uvic, kinda tall guy, rides bikes. And he says to me "What the hell are you doing?"
to which I respond "I've gotta do what I've gotta do"
then he's like "k man, unless you want me to cut you up a bit"
He is holding a knife as he says this, and proceeds to cut his coat.
So I characteristically respond with "hehe, you can make a flag at home!"

I exit the bathroom, and am in a restaurant, outside of which a giant catepillar digger thing is driving, and I go out there, and am around it, and things seem really inevitable, like I am almost being crushed and it's quite stressful really, but for some reason I am getting some mad respect from everything for what I am avoiding, which would be death. A photographer or journalist or both comes out of the restaurant, and it's Chavez, from clear and present danger, the sniper guy, like super cool guy, so badass. He takes some photos of me...but doesn't help me or anything.

Suddenly I am entering a bar, you know, it being such a traumatic morning I need a drink. I know what I want, and that is the famous "Jimmy" beer. I can't decide between a pint, a half pint, or a bottle. (now that I actually enjoy beer I would clearly choose the pint, on tap is always better). Since I am having a tough time deciding I naturally place the pint, half pint, and bottle on the ground and choose the half pint.

The bartender, Lou (of COURSE) says to me "alright, that's $27" I try to weasel my way out of paying I guess by placing the other beers I didn't drink on the counter. As I finish a man at the bar asks me to try the custard, you know, THE CUSTARD. Well one can't just refuse an offer like that, so I proceed to try it. I guess I was doing him a favour because after I had tried it he asks the bartender to give me a break (from paying I suppose).

Well Lou just looks at me with those intense bartender eyes, as he slowly dries a glass (as all bartenders are doing at ALL times) and says "I like you kid, so I'm gonna foot this bill for ya."

I give him my thanks, leave, and drink some of the beer, then ask "the lady" (the bar lady, a lady outside, I have no idea, she was important for some reason), well I ask her about change rooms in the ladies bathroom...and of course she looks at me rather oddly for asking such a question. I guess I didn't get an answer, JUST JUDGMENT, so I go outside into a parkade.

Now this is where it gets AWESOME.

There is a giant fight going on, between Russian special forces and uncover black ops American forces. The Russians are getting stuff from the lower parking lot, from a big truck full of juggling equipment. Hacky Sack players are throwing things down, hacky sacks, and juggling balls at the Russians, but I am with the Russians, and throw the stuff back at them, to which they cannot CONCEIVE of what is happening to them. UTTER CHAOS.

Then I am in a gun fight against troops who very much look, move, act, and animate just like the ones off of Metal Gear Solid 2: Son's of liberty. I also pick up health packs from near that truck as I fight them.

And that's about where it ends.

1 comment:

Hannah Lim said...

your dreams are quite the drama. :)